My First Post!

Happy New Year, friend! I mean, it's actually 8 days after the New Year, but I'm still celebrating.

I'm so excited to start this blog. I've been working on the design for a little while now, but now I'm FINALLY actually posting something. And how perfect is it to be starting at the beginning of a fresh, new year?!

My goal is to share my tips and experiences with teen girls like me, especially as we, as a team, grow and mature in this fast-paced world. We have to stick together, am I right?! Also, my goal is to make life a little 'funner' as we go. ;)

Also, I will be sharing my tips and advice on organization, beauty, cooking, baking... so, in short, it's a lifestyle blog.

I'd love to hear what kind of things YOU would like to hear from ME, so comment below and I will try to answer your requests! And don't forget to subscribe to receive email updates from my blog!

If you want to learn more about me or the blog, click here. I hope you enjoy!


  1. Kenechi DuatronJanuary 09, 2020

    Hello! I just found your blog from Lula Boo, and I'm loving it! <3

    1. Hi there, Kenechi! I'm so glad you like it!! Thanks for checking it out! ❤️
