30 Things to do When You're Bored [Without Electronics!]

One of the most common struggles as a teen is boredom. Every teen battles boredom at some point or another, and it can make you miserable.
Usually, I try to 'help' my boredom by checking Instagram, texting friends, or watching Netflix. But after scrolling on Pinterest for awhile or binge-watching my favorite show for hours, it'll start to leave me feeling sad and empty, and more bored than ever. If that's you, too, never fear! If it's not you, and your just bored, it still works for you, too.

I have come up with 30 fun ways to get rid of your boredom without electronics. So, without further ado, here they are!

30 Things to do When You're Bored

1. Write a Letter

2. Experiment with your makeup

3. Read a book

4. Write a story

5. Paint your nails

6. Try something new with your hair

7. Bake some treats

8. Write a song

9. Paint or sketch something

10. Learn how to knit/crochet/sew

11. Start keeping a daily journal

12. Look through old photos

13. Plan a party

14. Take a walk

15. Plan a business (on paper!)

16. Try photography

17. Make a scrapbook or collage

18. Turn your closet into a little hideaway

19. Go shopping (just walk into Hobby Lobby for instant inspiration)

20. Organize a clothing drive

21. Organize a bake-sale with friends

22. 'Recycle' your old clothes and turn them into something new

23. Start your own 'family newsletter'

24. Learn a new skill

25. Plant a garden

26. Learn a card trick or magic trick

27. Rearrange or redecorate your bedroom

28. Clean out your old clothes + shoes

29. Clean out/organize your room

30. Start keeping a to-do list, so next time you're bored you can start crossing things off

I hope this helped!

What other things do you do when you're bored?

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  1. Ooh, I love this! <3 Fantastic post, Olivia!

    1. I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you, Abigail! <3

    2. This helped me so much while I was bored! Great tips!

    3. I'm so glad it helped, Elina!!
