My Productive Summer Morning Routine

Can you believe we're almost halfway through the year?! It's crazy! And can you BELIEVE it's just a couple weeks until summer officially begins?!? Just kidding, It's pretty believable. Summer's here. We don't need a calendar to tell us when summer starts, it's here. I'm already over this heat- I'm enjoying my 'Christmas in June.' Seriously, I'm in my Christmas pajamas and watching Elf. Don't judge. 🎄🎅🍫☕

It wasn't until a few months ago that I decided I needed a morning routine. Being homeschooled, I've slept in almost every day I can remember (actually, not true- I remember when I was 7 years old my mom bought me an alarm clock that turned green whenever I was allowed to get out of bed).

It always feels so good when I wake up and realize I can sleep a little longer. However, once I have to get my day started, I don't feel motivated or productive, I just feel spent. I always regret sleeping in then.

So I took a week or so of waking up early and developing a morning routine. Now I love waking up early! I mean, the getting out of bed part is still a struggle (so don't worry, I'm still human), but every night I look forward to the morning. It's my favorite part of the day, and today I wanted to share it with you! Enjoy!

My Productive Summer Morning Routine

1 | Wake up to natural sunlight

My morning usually starts around 6 or 6:30, but in the summertime it's sometimes 7. My alarm ringtone is set to either chirping birds or Frank Sinatra. As soon as I wake up I'll take a few minutes to take it easy, sit up in my bed for a minute or two and say a prayer. I find it harder to wake up in the dark, so I recently started sleeping with the blinds partially open so I can wake up to the sun and feeling refreshed. Waking up early is crucial for me in order to have a positive, productive day.

2 | Drink a glass of water

filled clear drinking glass with sliced citrus and green leaf vegetable
Photo credit: Unsplash
The first thing I try to do every day is drink a glass of water. I keep a water bottle next to my alarm clock to remind myself, and I keep it with me throughout the day. I also use this adorable plant app I have to 'water' to remind myself to drink more water throughout the day. What's more adorable than your own baby plant as a reminder?!

3 | Make my bed

I like to make my bed as soon as I wake up. When I was younger, I never saw the point in making my bed. I mean, I'm going to mess it up later anyway! But making my bed, for me, means there's no going back- I'm out of bed for good. Plus, it kickstarts my productivity.

4 | Wash face + brush teeth

clear glass flower vase near rolled grey mat
Photo credit: Unsplash
I'm not gonna lie, I can't go even five minutes after waking up without brushing my teeth. There's no way to sugarcoat this: I have terrible, terrible morning breath. So as soon as I wake up and make my bed, I immediately go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. And, while I'm at it, wash my face. In the mornings, I just wash it with water and use this moisturizer from Burt's Bees. It works really well and I really love it!

3 | Meditate or do yoga

mindfulness printed paper near window
Photo credit: Unsplash
Depending on my mood, I love using Headspace for meditation, Daily Yoga, or sometimes I'll just take a walk. Spending even just 15 minutes of quiet time in the morning for meditation helps me wake up and ensures a productive day for me.

4 | Get ready for the day

Now I get dressed, put on makeup, and get ready for the day. Doesn't really need much more explanation. ;)

4 | Chores

person holding knitted textiles
Photo credit: Unsplash
It usually only takes me 15-20 minutes to clean my bedroom, start a load of laundry, unload the dishwasher, and just tidy up downstairs. Not my favorite thing to do, but it feels good to start my morning in a clean house.

5 | Read a book with my coffee

I'm usually one of the first people up in my house, so I make sure to take full advantage of this quiet time. I'll make myself either a piece of toast or a yogurt parfait along with a cup of hot coffee (obviously), turn on some classical music, sit down, and read away. Since I like to read more productivity-based books in the mornings, I'm currently reading The ONE Thing (highly recommend!). I always look forward to this time when I can just spend an hour reading by myself, without the chaos of my siblings making breakfast and whatnot.

6 | Productivity time

Now my day has officially started. I usually have a list of things to do every day, organized ever so carefully in my handy-dandy Eisenhower Box (created by yours truly. *bows*).

Sometimes, when my structure or schedule is thrown off (because it happens), I use this helpful checklist from It helps me be productive and keep a routine even if I overslept or I'm just off my game.

Well, there you have it! That's my summer morning routine. I hope you guys enjoyed this post! And shoutout and thanks to my friend, Reagan, for taking these pictures!

What's your morning routine? Can you relate to any of my morning struggles? Would you like to see more of these types of posts?
P.S. Looking for something fun to do this summer? Sign up for the Summer Bored Games! Hosted by Megan, Allison, Clara, and K.A., it's sure to bust your boredom. ;) Each week they post 35 new boredom busters for you to do for a chance to earn points and win prizes, so be sure to check it out!

Photo credit: Reagan Elam

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