My Favorite Home Workout Videos

If you've been trying to get in shape during quarantine, you're not alone. I'm sort of a couch potato, and so I thought it was a good idea to start incorporating more yoga, exercises, and even some workouts into my weekly schedule so I could feel good, release some endorphins, and get in shape.
black Larq insulated bottle on wood slice table
After hours of procrastinating looking for good workouts, I finally found some videos that looked interesting to me and tried them out. It was a few days of trial and error, but I eventually found my go-to's and today I thought I'd share them with you!

I'm a big fan of shorter workouts, mainly just because I don't want it to take too much out of my day. I have nothing against longer workouts, but I like to keep my workouts short and sweet, preferably under 10-12 minutes.

I think these 5 exercises cover almost everything, legs, arms, abs, and full body. I mean, that's pretty much everything, right? Also, I only switch between two people, haha: Blogilates and Chloe Ting. But I really like them both! I included difficulty levels, but those are just the levels that I personally found them to be. It may be easier or harder for you, because it's different for everyone. But the levels I included kind of sum up the general difficulty you can expect.

Before we get into these, just remember that you don't have to do everything perfectly. With almost all of these videos, I took breaks. I skipped moves. I let myself rest in between moves. I didn't finish all of them. But the important thing is you listen to your body and do what's best for you.

(If you need some motivation, check out my post on how to motivate yourself to exercise!)

Okay, without further ado, I present: my top 5 favorite home workout videos!

Beautiful Body Pilates - Blogilates

Difficulty: Easy
Time: About 11 minutes

Okay, this one is probably my top favorite. It's the only one I could get through without dying, haha. It's intense enough to make you sore, but a good sore.

Quick Burn Arms - Blogilates

Difficulty: Easy
Time: About 6 minutes

This one surprised me! I thought it would be easy (I mean, it was easy) but it hurt! It definitely gives you a good burn.

Get Abs in 2 Weeks - Chloe Ting

Difficulty: Medium
Time: About 10 minutes

This one wasn't super hard the first time, but the next day I woke up extremely sore, so when I tried to do it again the next day it actually got harder. But it got easier after that! I didn't do this for two weeks, so I don't have abs yet, haha. But I know a lot of YouTubers who have done this and seen amazing results! I just like to do this one for fun sometimes.

10 Minute Inner Thigh Slimmer - Blogilates

Difficulty: Easy/Medium
Time: About 10 minutes

I've done this one actually quite often, and it's not that hard once you've done it a few times. Just like the quick burn arms, this one does give you a good burn!

Do This Every Day to Lose Weight

Difficulty: Hard
Time: About 13 minutes

One word: OW. This workout was so intense. I've only done this workout once, and I don't think I even made it through the whole thing, but I included it because it's definitely great for those of you who aren't afraid of more difficult workouts. It actually might not be that hard for some, but for someone who's extremely out of shape, I may have to warm up to this one some more and try it again.

Well, that's all I have for you today! It's not a lot, but these are my go-tos. Let me know if you end up trying any of these! I hope this helped you find some good ideas for your home workouts.


What are your favorite workouts to do at home? Do you like shorter or longer workouts? Yoga or pilates?

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