2 Year Blogiversary! | 2020 Stats + 2021 Goals

Whew, it feels good to be back. I missed you all! Over the summer, I increased my work schedule and tried to reduce screen time, especially during quarantine, so unfortunately I had to put blogging on the back burner for a little while. But I'm back and so excited to bring some fresh ideas to you all! Huge thank you to Anna from AnnaMade Blog for her lovely guest post while I was away. If you haven't read it yet, you can do so here!

Well, it's 2021- can you believe it?! Oh, I'm so excited! I love new beginnings, and a chance to start fresh! I mean, you could start fresh at any moment of any day, but there's something about the beginning of a new year that makes it more official, you know?

Plus, it's my 2 year blogiversary!! Technically it was January 8th, but better late than never, right? I can't believe it's been two whole years. Even though it may not be a long time in the long run, I remember the very day I started this blog and always love to see how far it's come, even in only two years. I'm so excited to keep up this amazing blogging journey and can't wait to see how this blog evolves. 

I'm also excited to look back at last year's stats and goals and see what changed over the past year, so let's dive right in!

2020 Blog Stats

Views (past 12 months): 9.01k

I think this was mostly me refreshing my page a lot? Probably?

Views (all time): 25k

Again, I was obsessed with refreshing my page every time I made an update (which was pretty frequently the first year).

Followers: 78

Not bad, not bad, considering I didn't blog for half the year. I mean, my goal was 150, but I'm happy with this result. It's just over double the amount of followers I had in 2019!

Posts (last 12 months): 14

Okay, not even close to last year's goal. *facepalm* My goal was 50 posts, I believe. But that didn't happen this year... oh, well.

Posts (all time): 43

Wow, I haven't even reached 50 posts all-time. Haha. Well, hopefully that will change this year.

Most popular post this year: 13 Ways to Practice Christian Hospitality as a Teen

This post got 664 views this year! I think it was by far one of my favorites to write.

Most popular post all time: 30 Things to Do When You're Bored Without Electronics

This one has 747 views all time! I think this was my second-ever post.

Okay, I think that was enough stats... now onto last year's goals and how I did with them!

2020 Blogging Goals

Move blog to Wordpress/Bluehost

Nope. BUT, I did buy myself a domain, finally. Studiolivblog.blogspot.com is now keepcalmandliv.com!

Establish my brand/colors

I think I did this pretty well this year! I remember spending almost all of my first year switching up my colors, design, logo, and branding in general, but this past year I think I've finally established the vibe and aesthetic I wanted.

Write 50 blog posts


Get to 150 followers

No, but I did get closer to my goal!

Start my Etsy shop

Also no. 

Create more freebies

I honestly don't even remember creating one freebie last year. Oh well, this year. ;)

So, I didn't accomplish as many goals as I would've liked. But I made progress. That's what counts, right?

2021 Blogging Goals

Here are some of my goals for this blog in 2021:

Build my following to 150 followers (for real this time)

I'm confident I can do it this year!

Do more collabs with other bloggers

I loved doing my collab with Hope Leilani this year! It was so much fun and I really want to do more of these.

Have more guest posts

I love hearing what other bloggers have to say, and I really enjoyed working with Anna from AnnaMade Blog and promoting her wonderful post on my blog! I would like to do more guest posts this year, for sure.

Write at least 1 post per week

I'm pretty sure I said this last year, but I'd like to get on a more regular posting schedule.

Engage with other bloggers and make more blog friends!

I always love engaging with other bloggers, and I want to make a point to reach out more and make more blogging friends. 

I think that wraps this post up for today- stay tuned for a life update and some more exciting posts coming your way! I really want to hear from you guys and what you'd like to see from me this year. Let me know in the comments!!


What do you think?

What would you like to see from me this year? What did you do to celebrate the new year? What are some of your goals and aspirations for 2021?


  1. Hannah ElleJanuary 14, 2021

    Great post! I'm super excited for what's in store this year on your blog! I honestly just love reading your posts, they're so inspiring!

    1. Aww, thank you so much, Hannah! I’m so glad you enjoy reading my posts. ❤️
